I have been terrible at keeping a little something on this page...... I apologize. I must say again, I'm not very good at this.
Since my last post (last May) a lot has happened... My husband is still looking for work. We are hopeful that he'll get that call soon. There are a couple of irons in the fire but we are patiently waiting for God to work and show us his plan! I know he has one!!!!!
Let's see, in October we did conceive again and are well under way to warming baby #2 in the oven... Should be fully cooked by 4th of July. :) We are going to have another boy. The name debate is funny around our house- I've decided and fallen in love w/ the name Ayden Keith. But I guess we'll have to wait and see what we actually write on the birth certificate.
Jacob, my firstborn just turned 2 yesterday and is non stop with his verbal and non verbal skills. He is the epitomy of a what every mother dreams of and what she dreads all in one. He is a pure joy one minute and the devil's advocate the next. He is amazing to watch when he's being his charming self. He is very smart- sometimes too smart. But my joy nonetheless.
Our daughter Elizabeth has had us going full tilt with her after school activities and the life of a teenager is never dull. She is currently wrapping up a volleyball season and will start kickball in a few weeks...... Once that short stint is over, she will have summer softball. She definately keeps us going. But we are greatful that she is doing healthy activities and not getting into trouble.
As for me, I am blessed to have a good job that allows me to provide for our family and isn't to terribly demanding. I am working full time and working @ home full time to help our home run smoothly. Running errands, going to doctor appointments, dropping off Elizabeth at her latest activity and chasing Jake down. By the end of the day, I'm pretty pooped but I'm happy to do it for my family.
Well, that's all I have for now- I will try, TRY to post some pictures, but I won't promise.
Catch me on facebook for those if I don't get them up here.