Ayden made his entrance on 7/2 after 45 minutes of a painful surgery for me. He weighed a whopping 9lbs and was 21" long. We spent our fourth of July holiday in the hospital, but Jake got to see fireworks anyway. He spent the weekend with his grandparents and had a nice time with family. 

Since we've been home, I've learned a few things such as; no two child is alike. Even though you hear this a million times and know it, there is something profound about the realization. I've also learned I'm not nearly as patient as I should be. Having two kids needing you soo much can wear you down! But I'm learning how to balance my time and precious energy for my sweet babies.
We haven't been able to get out and do much since I was off work and therefore didn't have the extra cash, but I've also learned there is NOTHING like bringing a baby into the house to see t
he love our family has for each ot
her! Especially the two boys-

They are the apple of my eye for sure. I thought loving one child was all my heart could hold, but as the old saying goes, "there's always room for more". We have fun, but I spend the wee hours taking care of business. I am learning just how different the two boys are when Ayden gets me up at 3:30 to eat. By the time I went back to work when Jake was a baby, he was sleeping thru the night! Not the case with tiny man... Difference between the two is one is a formula baby and the other is a breastmilk baby. I'm learning more every day.... :)
I'm also back to work now so my long days are filled with wishing I could be home with the boys and not missing out on their every move. Then once we are all safe in the nest each evening I have my chores too! Taking care of my family as well as working outside the home at times feels like it takes super power! Haha.
I also turned 30 this summer..... I was dreading it at first and I think mostly because there was a fear I had about leaving behind my twenties. I get called Ma'am all the time but now it was real..... I'm as my husband puts it, "OLD"... I'm enjoying my "dirty 30's" so far.... We'll see how the rest of the year pan's out. My life is pretty full right now.