May 27, 2010


Almost 3 months later- LOL! I'm ashamed I haven't been better at this blogging thing. I love to talk and to write- ask my husband, he'll tell you I never shut up! LOL

Well, we've had a swirl of activity going on in our house lately. From my last blog, Bryan was still anxiously waiting to hear about work and Jake just had his 2nd birthday.
Elizabeth was wrapped up in after school sports and I was holding onto everyone's shirt tails enjoying the ride we call motherhood!

Bryan went back to work at the end of March and has worked steadily since! THANK YOU LORD! And he didn't have to go to Canada to do it! Another huge weight lifted!
With that blessing came some adjustment as well- his first two weeks back were on the night shift- which meant SERIOUSLY long hours for me... I worked and took Jake to an at home daycare lady that I've grown to love, and then pick him up and come home to fix dinner and do evening chores (laundry, dishes, bath time, etc) and collapse in bed. Bryan has been on days since that first couple of weeks which made me super greatful and appreciative that I have a husband to help out and am not a single parent!

Elizabeth just graduated 8th grade last night from Holy Name Catholic School! She is officially a freshman (fresh meat) at Roncalli beginning in August! A whole new world is opening up for her. She certainly is growing up before our very eyes and becoming quite the young lady. We couldn't be more proud.

As for the bun - I have been calling him Ayden and it's stuck! So Ayden Keith Greeson it is!
Everything is progressing as it should and he should be here in a few short weeks. He's providing lots of excitement and curiosity in his big brother already.... I am nervous about how Jake will do once he's here to stay but we'll deal. Right now Jake is getting a kick out of Ayden's movements and will give a hearty belly laugh and pull his hand away fast when he feels little brother move. A heartwarming experience for sure!

Jake is 2 and full of excitement and wonder! He's learning new things and surprising us every day. He has adjusted nicely to his new routine of going to the sitter and does very well with all the other children he has to share his time with. Sally (his sitter) says he's advanced (in some ways) beyond some of her soon to be kindergartener's with his knowledge... I'm proud of him.
He's all boy but my sweet angel too.

Well, that's all for now- maybe I'll get to write again before Ayden adds to our chaos!

1 comment:

a joyful nusiance said...

Thanks for the update!! I am so glad that things are going well for you!

Can't wait to meet little Ayden!!